How To Update Your JTAG To Newest Dash 2.0.16202 Using J-Runner GUI
Disclaimer: Team Xecuter is not responsible for any damage caused to your console by following this tutorial. Do so only if you know what you are doing!
Incorrectly following this tutorial can result in a 'bricked' xbox, to avoid this make sure you have a good backup of your nand and your CPU KEY
TUT Updated
How To Update Your JTAG To Newest Dash 2.0.16202 & The Latest Dash Launch
Things You Need
1. Your Original Nand or Backup Nand
2. Most important your CPU Key
3. USB Flash Stick or a Nand X
4. J-Runner v0.2 (284) Beta an all-in-one GUI installer D/L Here >> Official Release of J-Runner (full credit to their authors)
5. Dash Launch v3.06 if you decide not to patch it with J-Runner
How To Build And Install With Or Without DashLaunch
Open J-Runner GUI
1. Select Dash Version
2. Select Jtag
3. Select Source File And load your back-up'd nand.bin
4. Enter Your CPU Key
Please Note Below !! Only Select Aud_Clamp if your Jtag is being Updated with this method
Tick Aud_Clamp If You Are Using Your Stock NAND Dump When Building A New Image.
Please Note !! If You Dump Your Existing Hack Nand There is No Need To Tick Aud_Clamp As That Hacked Image Already Has Your SMC Configuration So Build As Normal
5. Tick DashLaunch Patches
6. Select Launch.ini
7. Enter Your Custom Config Like in The eg. And Click Create
8. You Can Click Save Your Config Setting or Not Up To You
9. Click Create Image
10. Double Check That The Right MoBo is Selected
11. Click OK And Let J-Runner Do Its Thing
12. When Your Image is Complete It Will Show You The Working Folder Where Your Built Image is Located
Now To Update To Your New Dash There is A Few Ways To Do This
You extract Flash360 Files to you USB Flash Stick.
Also you will put your your built Image renamed toupdflash.bin on your USB Flash Stick with the Flash360 files thats it,
its ready to flash your Jtag with the latest Dash..
INFO: You can write the resulting image to the nand using this app's Write Nand button
However if you wish, you may copy the "Nandflash.bin" and "Xenon.elf" to a USB stick.
Place that in console and boot the console using the eject button.
(this will use rawflash and overcome any bad blocks you may have on your nand)
For Nand X Users
If Your Using The Nand X Just Click Write Nand In J-Runner And Select The Image Bin You Made.
Then POWER CYCLE YOUR XBOX As Explained Below
Updating Your Jtag With The New Dash Using Flash360
Plug your USB Flash Stick into your Jtag and power it up go to XeXMenu and press LB on your remote to find Usb:0 you will see the files you put on it earlier.
Then you highlight Flash360.xex and click it and you will get on screen instuctions.....
PRESS X Backup your Nand..
PRESS A Save entire Nand..when done
PRESS Any button to continue
PRESS BACK Button to return to main menu....
PRESS A Write updflash.bin to Nand
PRESS B Raw Flash without keeping current kv/config
You will see a WARNING Keyvault encrypted data check mismatch its ok carry on...
PRESS START You will see another WARNING its ok carry on ..
PRESS A It will start flashing when done Press any key to continue....
PRESS BACK Button to shutdown
What is Power Cycle = when your Xbox 360 shuts down pull out the power supply from the back of your Xbox 360 + Leave it out for A Min.. there abouts...
Thats it your done power up and be Greeted with the new Dash and go through the new setup steps..
Next If You Decided To Install Dash Launch Manually
Unrar Dash Launch get the installer folder FTP it or USB stick to a place where you can run it eg. to the root of Hdd1 on your Jtag.
Next you get the launch.ini file that is also in Dash Launch rar file.
You can edit the launch.ini file to what ever you want as shown above
There is a sample_launch.ini to show you what the settings are or just let it the way it is at default.
You place that also on the root of Hdd1 on your Jtag
Installing Everything
Go into XEXmenu and go to the root of your Hdd1 or FreeStyle you should see DL302 folder andlaunch.ini.
Next you go into the DL302 folder inside that folder you will find a default.xex
Press the X button on your remote to run the Installer = default.xex ...
You are Greeted with on screen instructions on what to do and what to Patch all's you do is Enable or Disable.
And save to the launch.ini it will patch your Nand for what ever configuration you select on screen.
When your finished patching up everything you will need to restart your 360.
Custom Avatar Update Can Be Downloaded Google >> MS Update
1 - place the updater that matches this version on removable media, and
rename the folder from $Systemupdate to $$ystemUpdate
2 - place an ini where dash launch can find it and set the noupdater option
to false - noupdater = false
NOTE that some games WILL prompt you to update the console if avatars are
not installed, this doesn't mean they have an update to actually put in, it
just means it needs avatar/kinect bins/resources to run
esto se podra en una xenon con la misma dash?